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Trisha Harrington's Blog

Te Quiero - Suki Fleet


I really liked this!



Suki Fleet is one of those authors I noticed around for a while, but never really got around to reading her bools. So I decided I was going to try something of hers and a friend suggested this would be the best place to start.


She was right.


This short was exactly what I needed to read right now. It worked for me in the moment and has left me with a hopeful smile on my face.




The book only spans a couple of days. But those two days are all it took for me to invest in Ally and Levi's story. It has left me wanting more. Much more. I'll be eagerly awaiting more of their story and I'm excited to see where they go.


Oh, and I really want Rob to suffer the consequences of his actions.



Te quiero might be the first book I've read from this author, but I promise it won't be my last.