Not letting go is a short YA short story by Danni Keane. I really enjoyed reading this and it was an easy 5 stars. This short story covers two things. The death of a parent and growing up. Ms. Keane did a very good job with both those things while adding in the romance and connecting it with the two main topics.
Josh was the protagonist. He was a young man who lost his dad and had a couple of small issues with his boyfriend. He was 17 years old, growing up and moving on. But all that was too much. I felt bad for him and could connect with him. I know what it's like to lose your dad, although I didn't know mine the emotion is still there.
I really loved Bradley. He was a great, supportive boyfriend to Josh during his grief. It was sad to see him struggle with his own issues and holding Josh up at the same time. When he snapped I wasn't surprised. It was all done nicely and kept me interested. The length of the story was just right for the way the story was written.
I highly recommend this YA short story. It was perfect for me and even the size was good because it didn't bore me to tears. It would be nice for someone who wants to read a nice short, sweet story or someone who might have lost a parent.
Highly recommend this!This book was provided by the author for a fair and honest review.