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Trisha Harrington's Blog

Ex Equals

Ex Equals - L.A. Witt This wasn't a bad book. There were some nice moments in this. I loved the writing, which isn't a surprise because I'm a fan of L.A. Witt. I've read a few of her books and of the ones I've read, I enjoyed most. So that wasn't the problem. My main problem with this was the story, I guess.

Second chance romances can work for me... sometimes. It can be nice to see a former couple who've always loved each other get back together (once there's no cheating there, of course). But there are times when there needs to be more and when there isn't, like with this story, it can make it all fall flat. I mean, with how Justin treated Chris in the past, I needed more. Maybe a longer novel would have given more time to develop everything. I just couldn't love it here.

Despite all that, I did like Justin and Chris. I kind of had to put certain things out of my head to like then, but it worked. And the ending was really nice, so that's an added bonus.

Recommended if you like second chance stories and quick reads.